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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Kim Sauve

Please pray for my family. My husband is diabetic and now has two wounds on his left foot. Since boxing day he has been on IV and oral antibiotics along with wound care and a medical vacuum. Healing is very slow. He also requires bypass surgery and possibly a stint in abdomen and left leg. Currently going through testing to see if his heart can withstand surgery. 4 years ago he had a cardiac event and as a result now has a pacemaker/defibulator. Add to this my 82 year old father lives with us. He has mild dementia and is currently receiving wound care on left ankle. Days are filled with me working and maintaining family life while also undergoing testing for possible MS or other autoimmune. Diseases. Lord hear my prayers and decrease the burden on my heart and in my mind. Help my family with the health issues we are facing.

Received: March 12, 2024

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