We would love to pray for you or celebrate God's provision with you. Fill out the form below to submit a request or answered prayer, which will be shared with in a day or so unless you choose "DO NOT share this". If you choose this option, your submission will only be shared to our prayer ministry team.
Alison Proulx
2 weeks ago in the middle of the night, I woke up with massive muscle spasms in my back, hip and now shooting pain down my leg. It has gotten so unbearable that I can only stand for so long. Pray for the pain to subside and the muscles to release.
Received: November 29, 2024
Hello Harvest - join me in praying for Christine Brady, her husband Russell, and new son, August. August was born early so is currently in the NICU- be praying for health and protection from any complications that can come with being born prematurely and that he continues to thrive and grow stronger every day. Additionally Christine went into the ER with shortness of breath and was diagnosed with heart failure. She has been diagnosed with previous heart issues but it has now developed further. Let's pray for complete healing and that if and when a transplant is needed that God's hand is on the timing, the team and their family. This is an incredibly complex, layered and difficult-yet joyful - time. Our God is the God of the impossible so let's believe for a miracle and surround this precious family with love and prayer.
Received: November 27, 2024
Cathy Scott
Praying for everyone completing Freedom small groups this week! Jesus walked with them all on this journey and hoping they all feel a release on their souls to him and will walk in a different path with Gods words and teachings! Such an amazing Jesus!
Received: November 27, 2024
Mary Brink
Please pray for my friend Linda who has been battling cancer (Multiple Myeloma) for over 10 years and is hoping to be accepted for a clinical trial soon.
Please also pray for her adult daughter Brittany who is currently undergoing heavy chemo in preparation for a stem cell transplant on Wednesday. Please pray that it goes very well and is fully successful, and that the family will come to know God personally. Thank you!
Received: November 26, 2024
Linda Landry
Please pray for my grandson who got into an accident a few weeks ago , car was totally destroyed, got hurt as well a concoction, lost his job because of the accident . Pray that the Lord will open doors in regards to the situation as well give him protection and restore total healing to the sole of his feet to the crown. of his head. Amen!
Received: November 25, 2024
Mary Brink
Please pray for Stephanie Dumond!
She has inflammation in her body but the cause or source is unknown and symptomatically it’s moving around rendering different parts of her body useless or limited. From her right leg not being able to be lifted off the ground beyond an inch, to her left foot and leg swelling to twice its side. Now it’s her right hand and arm that has very little movement, that she is struggling with her independence, not being able to cook nor clean and struggling getting dressed, etc. Her knees are swollen, too. Also much fatigue, so she's had to go to part-time work, and it's a huge battle against discouragement.
Let's fight with her for healing, and victory over this major attack! Thank you!
Received: November 20, 2024
Jocelyne Lalonde
Hello everyone. Could you please pray that our Father would heal me completely from this continued facial and head pain in spite of the surgery in Toronto. It is getting worse instead of improving. It is very painful and forces me to isolate myself. I am so anxious to return to church in person.your prayers would really be appreciated to break the hold of this oppressing ailment. In the name of Jesus. Thank you church.
Received: November 18, 2024
Not part of your church. Hope you don't mind: Hidden prayer request. God knows what. Thanks
Received: November 18, 2024
Ray & Lucy Beaulieu
Please pray for my brother and sister-in-law, whose house caught fire yesterday, November 15, while they were out of town. The damage to their home is extensive, and we are unsure if it is a total loss, but reports indicate that it is very close to being one. Pray that they find encouragement as their church family gathers around them to support them during this difficult time. Additionally, please pray that God grants them, peace and wisdom as they navigate the rebuilding process.
Received: November 16, 2024
Judy St Jacques
Hello Church, Please pray for my family, because my sister does not have much time left. Pray for her girls Fannie and Emilie. They need strength and courage, as do my siblings. We need a miracle.
In Christ