We would love to pray for you or celebrate God's provision with you. Fill out the form below to submit a request or answered prayer, which will be shared with in a day or so unless you choose "DO NOT share this". If you choose this option, your submission will only be shared to our prayer ministry team.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I am currently going through a separation. It’s been hard to deal. I am praying for healing and to move on forward.

Received: January 13, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Linda Landry

Please pray for the constant pain at the back of neck of my husband that there wound be total healing .Amen ! ️

Received: January 11, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 5 times.

Lucy Beaulieu

Please pray for our granddaughter Hayley, who is having surgery on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at CHEO in Ottawa.

Received: January 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Andre and Alison Proulx

First off thankyou for everyone's prayers in our journey to become foster parents. Please be praying for the final leg. We have our final home inspection on Jan 16th. We are just finishing up a course online. We are excited to be walking out this journey that God put us on in 2014.

Received: January 7, 2024

Linda Landry

Thank you , everyone for your prayers as my son stated that he is able to wait bear as well swelling went down . ️

Received: January 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Linda Landry

Pray that my son Marc's left ankle will be healed as he has sprained it.

Received: January 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Karen Brink

Hey prayer warriors! A friend of mine in Australia is battling intense seizures and major health issues. Doctors are not finding solutions or answers easily for her, please join me in praying for a breakthrough in health & healing for her!


Received: January 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Thank you for prayers. Update after my surgery I wasn’t doing well at all lots of pain same pain that I had before surgery. I ended it up in the emergency room and had to go for an mri they found more stones so I needed a second surgery which I had today and I’m feeling better. However they found a lump with high risk that it could be cancer but if it’s that it would be at the very beginning they took a biopsy should get the results in 5 days. I would need prayer for speedy recovery and that the test come back negative. Thank you so very much for your prayers

Received: December 28, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for my grandma, she is going through a lot of health problems since she broke her femur a month and a half ago. She has been in the hospital since early November and is encountering issues with her heart, lungs, and infections. She has been transferred to the icu because her blood pressure has dropped significantly.

Received: December 27, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Emmanuel Bethel

Hi. Please in Jesus name prayer that God delivers me from day in, day out oppression and frestore me

Received: December 26, 2023

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