We would love to pray for you or celebrate God's provision with you. Fill out the form below to submit a request or answered prayer, which will be shared with in a day or so unless you choose "DO NOT share this". If you choose this option, your submission will only be shared to our prayer ministry team.
Cathy Scott
I know it is late but we need prayer tonight. My brother’s wife is having open heart surgery at 1 pm tomorrow and have quadruple bypass and they will be reviewing her other 2 main arteries. She is a very healthy woman and this has been a shock and surgeon says may be genetic. She is very afraid as surgeon has told her it is a very difficult surgery for her. Her name is Julie and she is just 60. Please pray for her that Jesus carries her through this and brings her out the other side and makes her healthy again!
Received: January 20, 2025
This prayer has been answered!
Connie Augi
Please stand in prayer with me Church Family. Many of you know Barb Adams and we were speaking tonight as she reached out for prayers. Her brother Charlie has been hospitalized for drug interactions/complications and he is also undergoing tests for PSA level issues. He had a recent shoulder surgery that has left him unable to function as he once did. He may be in for some time to sort everything out.
Her sister Nancy is booked for heart surgery this coming Monday. There is aorta, valve and artery issues and the doctors are unsure to what extent until they begin the surgery what all can and should be done. Let us pray for wisdom and guidance for the medical teams in both cases and pray for all their families during this stressful and unknowing times. We pray for proper diagnosis, healing, positive outcomes and a calmness of mind. In Jesus name we pray. Thanks from both of us.
Received: January 11, 2025
Mary Brink
Please pray for Denise Leblanc. She was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in most of her body. Although we know God can fully heal her, and will pray for miracles, she is at peace to go Home, if that's what God chooses. But she is concerned for her husband who is not yet saved. Please pray however God leads. Thank you!
Received: January 11, 2025
This prayer has been answered!
Mary Brink
Thanks to all who prayed for Elaine! She is doing much better now, and truly appreciated your prayers. Thank you, and thank You Jesus!
Received: January 11, 2025
Christianne Underwood
Please pray for our Leaders and Elders, especially in this season of fasting and praying:)
Pastors Roy & Christina
Linda & Norm Augi
Ryan & Brittany Brink
Miia & Ted Naugler, and
Karen Brink!
Thank you for your care and compassion towards our church family!
Pray for one another!
Encourage one another!
Forgive one another!
Love one another!
Thank you church:)
Received: January 10, 2025
Linda Landry
Please pray for my brother Michel as he is suffering from a sciatic nerve pain in his leg that he'll be healed in Jesus' name .Amen! ️
Received: January 9, 2025
Linda Landry
Pray for Cindy Bankcroft as she is trying to recover from Covid that she will recover and be healed in Jesus' name. Amen! ️
Received: January 9, 2025
Mary Brink
Please pray for Elaine Hurtubise-Quinn. She suffered from covid over Christmas, and is still experiencing long term effects, being extremely weak, tired and unwell. Thank you!
Received: January 6, 2025
Amanda G.
I want to send prayers out to the whole Harvest family! To everyone who's made the choice to follow is Jesus' footsteps & to trust in Him. I'm grateful for this season, for the community here, for the unconditional love He gives us, and for His mercy and grace.
I've never consciously celebrated Christmas in a Christian way and I'm so blessed to honour Jesus so deeply this year. Happy Birthday Jesus!
What a promise God made, to sacrifice His only son to save us. I pray everyone feels His love today, tomorrow and always.
Merry Christmas Harvest! I pray for your safety, joy and peace this season, all this for your loved ones and neighbors too!
Received: December 24, 2024
P Roy
Church help me pray for a young adult girl that I will call G. G is struggling with suicidal thoughts and actions. There is a very dark and demonic component to this that I am asking we take authority over to see G's freedom secured. Please pray that the attending psychiatric team would be led by the spirit of God to "hear" what is happening to G and be able to offer her the help she needs. There is a relationship involved with G that is toxic and destructive, please pray that G has the strength to remove herself from that relationship.